Sunday, October 28, 2007


We recently upgraded to FogBugz 6, which sports a new REST styled API.  I decided to play with it by writing a simple .NET client using VS 2008, and take LINQ-to-XML for a spin.  The center piece of LINQ-to-XML is the new XDocument class, which is yet another way to work with XML data in .NET:


return XDocument.Load(urlForXmlData);


What makes this differ from XmlDocument, XmlReader, etc., is that a LINQ provider has been written around it:


var cases = from c in doc.Elements("cases").Elements("cases")

            where c.Element("sTitle").Value.StartsWith(searchText)

            select c;


Beyond that, it’s plain easier to use, in my opinion:


if (responseElement.Element("error").Attribute("code").Value == "2")


With that, it’s fairly easy to come up with a method to send commands and read XML:


private XDocument SendCommand(string commandFormatString, params object[] parameterValues)


    var commandUri = this.FogBugzApiUrl.ToString();

    commandUri += String.Format(commandFormatString, parameterValues);

    return XDocument.Load(commandUri);



This method can then be used to work against the REST API:


public bool LogOn(string email, string password)


    var responseElement = SendCommand("cmd=logon&email={0}&password={1}", email, password).Element("response");

    if (responseElement.Element("error") == null)


        this._token = responseElement.Element("token").Value;

        return true;




        return false;              




Where it gets interesting, though, is using LINQ and inline initialization to new up strongly-typed wrappers around the responses:


public IEnumerable<Case> GetCases(string search)


    var response = SendCommand("cmd=search&q={0}&cols=ixBug,sTitle", search);

    var cases = from c in response.Elements("cases").Elements("case")

                select new Case() { Id = int.Parse(c.Element("ixBug").Value), Title = c.Element("sTitle").Value };

    return cases;



Hopefully, you can see how powerful LINQ and these other new features in .NET 3.5 are.  In a few lines of code, we can query a REST API and return strongly-typed wrappers around the content.

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